972-932-1918 branding@liftupmarketing.in

How Does It Work

How Does It Work

Aiming to drive traffic to your business, the crux of our working lies in the fact that a general person uses the elevator or lift in the residential complex 4 times a day on an average. He spends approximately 30-60 seconds, which are non-distractive, owing to no mobile networks or any other work in the secluded area.

This creates a perfect ambience for attracting customers by setting the mood and levying that the real essence of advertisement reaches out to them, which can easily be estimated by the promo codes used by the buyers while shopping.

The following are the aspects that come under our work purview:

  • Providing space for advertisement inside the lifts of residential areas.
  • Installation of frames of maximum dimension 15” X 21”.
  • Placing posters of maximum size 13” X 19”.
  • Ensuring that there is no damage caused to the lift during the installation process.
  • Maintaining and replacing the posters as and when required.

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